Monday, November 7, 2011


If you have come this far, to this blog, obviously from another blog based on writing, than you are an amazing writer in the process of researching and learning your craft. If you have come this far then you are curious to see just who Wry Wryter is. If you have come this far, I welcome you and wish you the best of outcomes for your dreams, writing and otherwise.

I have always dreamed, but every once in a while I wonder if dreaming sets us up for disappointment; because hello…not all dreams will come true. Whoa… (Cliché alert)… back up the truck...all of mine have…almost.

Some dreams I did not let clutter my future-wants because they were so far off my heart-grid, why bother. Like the getting married dream and having children. That would never happen for me so I didn’t bother to want it because why be heartbroken over something so unlikely to happen… but it did.

Cars, houses, jobs, accomplishments, yup, I spent nights lying awake, praying and promising in the hopes that ‘the-big-guy’ would help out and he did, always. Though I may not have liked the answer to my prayers, at that moment, time and experience has shown me ‘he’ was right. I wonder if he is a she, or maybe some little green guy with a lot of cosmic power, whatever.

So…if you have come this far you most likely have dreams about writing and so do I. We are a member of a struggling group of humans whose purpose is to communicate to other humans, our thoughts, ideas, and stories. If you have come this far let me know what your dreams are. Really, I’d like to know. I won’t tell anyone… lest I jinx your ‘future-want’.


Mike said...

We are definitely a struggling group :(

Carolynnwith2Ns said...

We sure as hell are.